Dec 30, 2010

Greg "Mutant" Doucette 675 for 11 Dec 27 2010 Bench Squats

Greg "Mutant" Doucette Bench Raw 405 for 9 paused after 475 for 4 paused

chaos513 bench

raw bench
135x12 135x10 225x8 225x6  315x3 315x1
w/dbl minis(+100)
240x5  315x5
w/o bands

incline db bench
150x6  150x5  110x15RP

PM dips
dips w/ 2P

standing militaries
225x7  190x5  210x5  255x1

side laterals

CG floor presses

db JM presses

***tonite was another ball buster. i'm sticking to the new setup. its already working well for me. 385 for 9 was good. BJ did 330 for 7 and then later doubled 365 after bands. we both did 240 for 5 and i did 315 for 5 and BJ did 315 for 1. i did 435 in my old setup and 430 in the new and the new one was alot stronger and faster. that's all the proof i needed. went onto db inclines. i could tell i needed to do these more. 150s for a set of 6 and another set of 5 and then did 110s for 16RP. db inclines are a keeper. finished up with some dips and then went onto shoulders. 255 was very strong and easy. at this point though, i'm pushing it hard. the rest of the session was done off of mere will power. lol. but finished strong. i might aim for something more reasonable for the meet like a mid 500 raw which i hadn't done in comp yet. steps to 600 raw will take time though and i'm in no hurry. gotta stick to the numbers and setup on bench...but adding in bands was a good idea though so i'm keepin that.

trial and error,

Heavy bench workout (close grips) 12-29-10

Dec 29, 2010

Phillip Brewer (Team BOAD) at the Worldlifting Championships (217.5 kg =...

Sam Solomi 405lb x 15 squat

Nate Glines Sumo DL 675x1

Jim Pope Raw Squat 550x1 2 10 09

Jim Pope Raw DL 675x1 2-10-09

445x1 squat with 160 lbs in chains

Garrett Gunz Griffin deadlift 495+200lbs ban tension at top Team BOAD

The Strength Shop, Weightlifting

Marty Killion Benchpress Dec 2010 Final bench set 225x56

Marty Killion Benchpress 375x4 with 100 pounds of chains

Marty Killion 405x1 with 2 red mini bands doubled

Marty Killion 315x8 with red doubled mini bands

Marty Killion 490 pound Floorpress

Ikuhisa "Minowaman" Minowa - The Story of Minowaman

Military Press 250 x 3 (PR), 225 x 7, 185 x 16

Dec 28, 2010

Kevin Frasard Various Training Clips December 2010

Mark Mazurek Raw box squat 500 x 18 reps off a 15'' box

cHaOs squat session

raw squats

135x6 135x6 225x3 225x3 315x2 315x1 405x1
465x8 410x5 440x5 505x1

front squats

meadows machine squats

leg extensions
200x6 200x6

leg curls

seated machine calf raises
370x6 370x6 370x6

standing calf raises

abs and grip work

***tonite was a great session. i finally have my squats down i believe. i brought my handspacing in and wrapped my finger around the bar again(first time in years) and i was able to have control over the bar and keep my back tight as opposed to what i have been using. so i'm kinda squatting like a 465 for 8 was awesome. they just keep coming up so staying upright definitely has its advantages. still goin without knee wraps btw. busted ass thru the rest of the session hittin quads, hammies, and calves hard. stayed a bit long tonite cause another lifter wanted me to help with his form on squats so gave what pointers i could. really excited on what happens next week. i have only 2 vids...the 410 and the 505 cause my camera died.

felt very strong tonite,

Inverted kb press

Dec 24, 2010

Nate Glines HS Leg Press 10ppsx10

Josh McMillian 1005x1 (reverse green bands)

James Hinson Jr Raw Deads 475x4 + 4 chains

Greg "Mutant" Doucette 466 bench for 4 christmas eve on 3 days rest.

jared davis 717x2 on squats

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Jared Davis Squatting

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Cms ms w3d3 | 12/23/10 - Max Effort Bench

Dec 23, 2010

Jonathan Greenwood Manta Ray Squats 135x70, 135x31

Mark Mazurek Raw box squat 600 x 8 reps off a 15" box

A Day in the life of Ty Young: Day Two - Quads

Shae Jones Week 11 workout #2 12 22 10

chaos speed work and randoms

speed bench

raw bench
135x12 135x10 225x8 225x6  315x3 315x1
405- 3x1 (reg grip)
315- 1x3 (reg grip) 2x3 (close-grip)
365- 2x1 (close grip) 2x3 (reg grip)

incline db bench with mini around back
100s- 1x1; 1x3; 1x2; 1x5(with 10 sec rest in between)

incline flyes with mini around back
55s- 6x6 (6-10 sec rest)

PM dips
bw+90- 10x5 (10 sec rest)

military rack presses
225- 1x1; 1x3; 1x2; 1x5( with 10 sec rest)

side laterals
55s- 10x5 (10 sec rest)

close-grip floor presses
315- 1x1; 1x3; 1x2; 1x5( with 10 sec rest)

rolling extensiosn/tate presses
55s- 10x5 (with 10 sec rest)


***it was a fuckin blast tonite. been away from the gym since sunday and man i wanted to hit it tonite. i also wanted to try a different variation on incline db presses but since BJ was out tonite i had to settle for incline DB with mini around my back. still good work. i can do more than 100s though with the mini around my back which gives me additional 25lbs of tension at the top.guess the crazy shit will have to wait til next week. speed bench went very well. 405 was moving a lot faster. Paul Key's advice was worth it since he uses the same setup so i brought my feet in closer. can't wait to start this new cycle...i'm goin to be smashing bench PRs! did some military rack presses which were new but this movement really will be key to strengthening my shoulders or front delts on the bench. CG floor presses were killer with the new method of reps i used. i sweated my ass off back to heavy and insane shit next week...

done with deload,

Dec 22, 2010

what chaos513 makes you do...WORK!

This is how hard I trained it.
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Dec 21, 2010

Kenneth Mcqueen Personal Record 600LBS Dead Lift -12/06/2010-

Philip Kitchens Squating 365 for 11 reps

USPlabs strongman Nick Keough deadlift PR 605.mp4

Philip Kitchens Bent Rows with 120lb dumbells 15 reps

Greg "Mutant" Doucette posing legs dec 21 2010 under 5 weeks out from tampa

Westside Barbell 12/21/2010

Eric Sproto close grip bench press 495

Mike Keck Flat Bench Dumbbells 150's for 12 reps

Mike Keck Decline bench Press 405x9

Mike Keck Dips 235 bodyweight plus 135lbs

Mike Keck 635x1 Reverse band bench

Michael Keck Upper body training

Nate Glines bb rows 475x14

Nate Glines Chins 3 platesx2.5 reps

SCOTT SMITH 661 X 3 @242lbs.

550 Raw Brad Harris

Shae Jones Week 11 workout #1 12 20 10

Greg "Mutant" Doucette Raged a PR bench press 450 for 6 paused Dec 20 2010

Pat Susco squats 600x1 and 640x1 RAW

James Hinson Jr Raw Squats 600x1 at 195lbs 48 days out

MUST SEE - How to get big using Heavy Duty HIT training - Bodybuilding -...

Dec 20, 2010

sick raw benching..

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

the forgotten concept...brotherhood

  united we are a brotherhood...divided we are NOT.

BEFORE READING THIS...keep in mind, i talk in general about things i've seen over the last 5-6 years of my lifting...something that i see that is

"it doesn't matter where your from...throughout the world we are brothers..we all get along and support each other. when that persons' on stage, everyone here is to support that one person"- joe ladnier.

WTF happened to this? joe ladnier said this in "power unlimited" and its exactly why i made this group. powerlifting used to be about that and pushing one another to be stronger. now you got winny bitches that complain about judging, lifting, etc. back in the 70s, lifters were fuckin hungry left and right. Jon Grove once told me about a meet he did where it was a fight down to the last attempt on deads in a full meet. there was no money in the sport then but some "lifters" have gotten spoiled and like old friend used to tell me..."have gotten used to smell of their own shit and think it smells good." and he told me that he's still good friends with those competitors to this day. that's what i'm talking about. you got lifters who are "posers" who call themselves powerlifters and haven't stepped one foot onto the platform. you got lifters who say raw is powerlifting and gear is powerlifting when they both are the same.

and support. man there have been some serious lacking on that part. we have haters now and people always hate what they don't understand. we all should be supporting one another to be bigger, stronger, and to be the best. why? cause its like louie said..."Never, ever, drop your standards. Surround yourself with people that are at the level you hope to be at, and work your ass off to get there". where the fuck did all these EGOS come from where certain lifters who have established themselves as champions think they are above the rest of the sport. back in the 70s & 80s, no one was above the rest of the sport and on any giving day, even ed coan knew this, your ass could be handed to you. everyone was hungry and wanted to be the strongest on meet day every day...but at the end of the day they were all brothers. period. alot of them are excited to see them again so they can have another chance to be stronger than them. do you have this anymore. NO.

"powerlifting is a great sport...its very intense on any have that wealthy lawyer who for some reason wants to do a powerlifting meet...and then you have the one that's locked in the box accept for meet day and you let them out together and they can get along. whereas if you were out on the street the one out of the box would probably EAT the lawyer."
tell me why we can't go back to that....

i once heard a story about a meet where three powerlifters competed knucle to knuckle to the last attempt on deads. blood was shed indeed and lots of sweat too...each of them wanted to win badly and one did. it didn't matter what they did before the meet, what their contest history was, or who "they" that meet they were all there for the same reason...after the meet even though one had gotten 1st place, they were brothers after that...brothers that wouldn't mind competing again one another again...

in saying that....i have something to get off my goes. i spoke about the lost concept of the "brotherhood" when it not only comes to the iron but when it comes to the iron in general. regardless if your a powerlifter, bodybuilder, strongman, or just purely a strength enthusiast i think that in order for the concept of brotherhood to return we all have to put ourselves on the same fuckin page. what i mean by that is that no one person is above the rest. that's the problem today. time to time i see people tear each other down cause of what they are doin without lookin at the flipside. in this group, sure you can but who you are no question but give that person a chance to "fix" or correct the issue they have. that way its all on them and your doin your part to make them better and vice versa. our ability to take constuctive criticism is what's causing a lot of shit on the net as far as drama. real criticism is what's goin to help you and i be the best in what we do.

also what i mean by bein on the same fuckin page is that we are all in this for a common goal. why not help one another to acheive that goal, right? what's wrong with that? it doesn't matter if this person is stronger than that person...that person could be a soild squatter than you. strength doesn't always equal knowledge and knowledge doesn't always equal strength. we are all here to learn from one another but to also push one another to bein what we know they can be. no i don't mean you should "agree" if you don't agree but be respectful regardless. hell i don't know everything and if anyone knew everything about there is about this game, then they would be the strongest and the best right? always keep an open mind here no matter what and check your ego. let me say that again...KEEP AN OPEN MIND! no matter what. if you don't agree with it, ok, agree to disagree...that's kool. leave it be. if we as a group is ever goin to bring back the concept of brotherhood, we have to tackle conquering our egos and be willing to listen with an open mind to what the next person says. when posting vids here, its kool to give props AND its also kool to critique someone just as long as its respectful and helpful. if you like it kool...if you don't like it...that's also kool. no one here is a fuckin expert. period. experts' usually have closed minds. no one is goin to ask you to change up how you train...just give you suggestions. that's kool. no one should advise you on a program that WILL work...and what you have is crap...that's NOT kool. i've had a "pro" once tell me that what i was doing was crap and he's program(per $50 a week) was the ONLY way i can get stronger. i call bullshit and as much as i tried to reason with him, there wasn't. he was on a fuckin ego trip and believe he's the best at what he does. warriors don't believe they are the best...the know they are. that's why they keep fighting. hoping they will find someone better than them to push them to the next level.

and why in the hell do i see people who want to "question" lifts being done? i know that alot of people want to be posers and i understand that. so what they squat with chains, or box squat a ton or curl 225...from all the years i learned one supportive no matter what. we all can't be mother hen's to everyone and its fuckin stupid and exhausting to help "everyone", especially if they don't want it or need be supportive. that's what matters. if they post a vid or pic. good. just shows you how strong they are or how well they've been progressing and what level you need to push yourself to. if you don't have nothing good to say, then just don't fuckin say it and move on about your business since it doesn't affect your lifting, right? in this day and age, there are TOO MANY COACHES and not enough athletes. i mean come what they don't post a vid? good. that means you'll post one doing more than he did. i'm always supportive of my friends...when they ask for help i give it. when i offer suggestions...I ASK FIRST! sometimes its better to ask questions on why they do what they do first. sometimes they might have something better than what you were coming up with. just drop the fuckin ego. not everyone will accept your advice so ask first. its bein respectful. and if they don't take the advice...oh well. move the fuck on

now back to lifts being questioned...from my experience...IF YOU CAN'T DO IT OR CAN DO MORE...SHUT THE FUCK UP!! if you can't squat 900lbs, don't talk shit. if you want to make a constructive criticism, ok..but be respectful and i say that on both ends. i've seen shit fly out of control cause ego and pride got involved. vids and pics were done from my understanding to help motivate and inspire and so that our brothers can help us be stronger and better thru instruction and constructive criticism...not for egos like i see on youtube(IE the guy benchin "585" for reps when it was really barely over 225). comment and help and be constructive and respectful. if you can't do either, your a douchebag. period. its not helpful and its pointless energy being wasted and we could of better spent the time being constructive and motivating.

check your ego at the door. in order to go back to bein a brotherhood...we have to check our egos and put our bullshit on PAUSE.

i realize leechers and haters are never goin to change...but the concept of brotherhood is dying by the day and it starts with YOU...reading this and spreading the word and being an example. again, if we are to every start bein a brotherhood again, we have to stop all this bullshit i see on the net...and it starts with us. all the haters, leechers, the "internet judges", etc.. take this post with the grain of salt. sorry for the long post...but its either we come together as brothers like those before us have or we die drowned in our own egos and prides...the choice is ours...remember what the concept of brotherhood is about...the brotherhood of iron...helping one another to be stronger and better. we united in the first place cause the world doesn't understand what we are and why we do what we do. we united as a brotherhood because we wanted to seek out others and help them cause by helping them, we too become stronger and can push one another to being the strongest. we take what our brothers say as constructive criticism and encouragement cause we know our brothers want us to be bigger and stronger so that in turn makes them stronger...the brotherhood become stronger...divided we are NOT.

its simple...we become a brotherhood again or we are all doomed...period.

Dec 19, 2010

cHaOs speed dead and squat sessions

speed deads & squats

speed sumo deads
315x5x1 405x4x1 495x2x1

strict barbell shrugs
845x2 845x2 845x2 675x17RP

barbell rows
315-10x5(10 sec rest)

rope pulldowns
160- 17RP

meadows rows
90-6x6(6-10 sec rest)

bw- 2x4

cable curls
70- 10x5 (10 sec rest)



speed squats
315x5x1 405x4x1 495x2x1 455x1

leg press
450- 10x5(10 sec rest)

leg extensions
160- 20RP

***yup its deload for me and every deload week i take the opportunity to work on speed on my lifts. deads went well. form got a lot better even with 495. squats, was deep as hell on them...even with 495 too. i gotta keep my back arched more on squats cause that's the missing link. kept my back arched with sumo deads and they looked helluva lot better. kept my back arched with 455 on squats tonite and i stayed more up right. theres the key. i'm recorrecting my numbers for the next training cycle minus the ego and more opportunity to work on form on everything. i am goin to experiment with juggling the bar weights on speed bench day to see what happens...didn't do with squats and deads cause form needed work. i will upload vids after speed bench day on wednesday. don't want to bore you guys with all the singles...

but some 130s side laterals and 845 strict shrugs won't,

PS...i started and now chaos513 will be home for all your hardcore training vid motivation...

Ryan Celli 12-16-10 365x1 405x3 425x3 with a little chains + bands

Ben Seath @ Animal Barbell Club Event at Stan Efferdings new gym... "Flex Wheeler Fi...

Greg "Mutant" Doucette 555 for 6 Milk crate squat 5 weeks out from RAW U...

James Hinson Jr Raw Squats 500x1 with 4 chains wearing knee sleeves

James Hinson Jr BB rows 300x8

Greg "Mutant" Doucette Raged 444 for 6 pause bench press (2 rep pr) Dec...

Kevin Frasard- Rack Deadlifts 12/17/10

Nate Glines Beltless Romanian Deadlifts 385x10

Konstantin Pozdeev - RAW SQ 370kg@110kg (with wraps) - WORLDLIFTING 2010

666 LBS RAW Bench Press

Laszlo Meszaros - RAW Bench Press 300.5kg@SHW - WORLDLIRFING 2010

Dec 16, 2010

cHaOs bench session

raw bench
135x20 225x20 315x6 365x1
405x5 365x5 385x5 425x1

hammer strength incline
4p+25/6 5p/6 4p/18RP

PM dips
3 plates- 3 sets of 6
1 plate- 21RP

standing militaries
245x5 205x5 225x5 265x2

side laterals
115sx6 130sx4

CG bench press
315x6 365x3 315x5

dbl handle pushdowns

**tonite was a ballbuster but in need of a deload though starting now. weights went up good...closer to gettin the setup nailed though. BJ had an off nite. missed 455 but he hammered tris and shoulders just a day or so before...really hard. lol. found out we could add plates to the handle on the hammer strength incline and was able to do those again. STOHP was tough as fuck but i will get stronger and the same goes on the CG bench. first week doin those again and i need to strengthen my lockout with this new setup.

ok nite but need a deload,

Dec 14, 2010

cHaOs513 protocol- basics

...if your afraid of doin some real weight...leave this page now. this isn't for you. you have to be willing to go above and beyond what you "think" you can do or what possible. 
if your willing to bust ass and hit some real weight...none of this same weight/reps every session shit on..

and PREPARE for mass, strength, muscle endurance and density gains!

what is cHaOs513 right?

let me start off by saying that i've tried a lot of training programs and most times within a week or so if it doesn't work, i won't stay on it. period. everything from westside to 531 to dc training to max-ot. i've been for years trying to construct my own program...and have failed...til now. let me first explain what the concept behind chaos513.

chaos513 is all about creating a chaotic environment for extreme muscular growth, strength, and gettin lean. what i mean by chaotic environment is taking "you" out of what your used to do constantly. we all were taught to add weight til we can't add weight anymore and maybe drop weight and do reps right? that's how we were all taught how to lift weights and how we all grew from it. but the body adapts to it overtime and we have to employ new methods which in essence is the same thing we started with...just a bit bastardized. and what happens? we adjust to that as well.

well why don't we change that. instead of working back up. me and another bro has found out that we move heavier weight faster by the time we get to the 4th set. it also simulates what powerlifters will experience in competition in terms of energy expenditure. at this level, you'll be able to still go balls to the wall without bein exhausted. also, it eliminates the mental aspect. if you attempt 700 for a single after bein pre-exhausted, no way will you be intimidated if you triple it.

chaos513 is about doin the opposite. the method of chaos513 is something like this:
500x10 405x5 455x5 550x1

ok so your asking yourself...why work down and back up? because for one it confuses the muscle and two, its the concept of pre-exhaustion. i learned it years ago. my coach once had me work up to close-grip 3 boards doin 635 for a triple which blew up my triceps(in a shirt btw). then he has me take 675 full range. didn't think about how heavy it was cause of the work i had done and it flew up fast.

ok so its two different movements but the fact was i was pretty much tired by the time i did 675 full range and destroyed it. my coach used a lot of pre-exhaustion methods when i was training with him and it worked to get my strength to the level it needed to be...but it wasn't enough. your goin to be moving weights faster and harder which benefits the powerlifter and more muscle stimulation which benefits the bodybuilder. bein explosive on this method of training isn't a problem when you drop weight and work back up. i still warmup like i normally do. you also condition your body (CNS) to training against a higher work volume too by dropping down and working back up. you also are more focused by the time you work back up. westside barbell have been using this method for years now. chaos513 is the method of extreme pre-exhaustion by juggling reps, weights, or both and in this manner you stimulate strength and growth cause the body is thrown constantly out of balance.

so...where does the "513" come from. its basically the three weeks of chaos have a 5-rep week, 1-rep week, and a 3 rep week just like 531..only there's an additional set done at the end for either a single or double. why? again...chaos training. chaos513 is also about doin what you wouldn't do under normal circumstances cause your exhausted. the sets preceeding that were just pre-exhaustion. if you do a 500 raw squat for a double under those conditions, you probably could kill it for 5 reps...fresh. it also puts you in the condition you will be meet day for powerlifters. after the first two attempts, you won't be 100%...just like when you do that 4th set for a double or single...and in chaos513 you increase that 4th set every 4 weeks.

what if you made your 50-60% stronger? would you be stronger? hell yea. what you think your 100% is would be 150%. think about that one cause in chaos513 your constantly busting ass at half-strength and forced to move heavy weight still.


lets go over again what chaos513 is. its the method of extreme pre-exhaustion for greater muscle gains and strength by juggling reps, weights, or both and doin it under extreme rest periods. ooohh. i forgot that part. with the exception of the compound movements, your "accessory" movements would be done under limited rest...some methods require 60 sec...some require 10 or 6. its been known that shorter rest periods will create big gains in muscle density which leads to lower bodyfat levels and strength gains. chaos513 will have you moving heavier weights with shorter rest periods and bein explosive as possible.

will you sweat? yes. will you be sick? yes. will you move weights more than you thought possible? hell yes. i've been testing chaos513 for 6 months. i was doin 405x1 on seated militaries. went to STOHP and used one of the methods of chaos513...a month later...was skullfuckin 365 for 5 on seated militaries.

also with this type of training, you learn to strengthen the muscles individually as well as a compound. for instance, for those who have problem with rebounding off the bottom on the bench, should use smith machine inclines to isolate the chest and some lateral movement to isolate the shoulders. with chaos513, anything and everything can be used to get stronger. period.

i don't like to do full body routines cause everyone is different so what i will do is give you a basic routine you can use. use the exercises that you feel are right.
for the first movement however i will have a recommendation list

1st movement
chest- bench press or incline
quads- squats or front squats
back- deads and/or barbell rows
shoulders- seated or standing militaries
biceps- hammers or barbell curls
triceps- close-grip bench, close-grip floor press, or JM presses

a. 2x3-5+ reps- this rep range for the first two is with the heaviest weight out of your 4-5 sets. you want to aim for more than 5 less than 8 reps. if you hit 8 reps, the bar weight needs to be increased. this is your max set.

weight used: for 3-5 reps it should be a weight you can use for 4-5 reps at best..go by feel if need be.

b. 1-2x8-10+- this rep range for your 3rd or 4th set(4th for advanced) is using the lightest weight out of the 4-5 sets. again, overshoot your reps if you can...more than 10 less than 12. if 12 or more is reach, the bar weight needs to be raised. this is the first of two down sets

weight used: for 8-10 reps it should be a weight you can use for 10 reps at best..go by feel if need be.

c. 1x6-8+- this rep range is for the bar weight in between the lightest and heaviest weight used in the 4-5 sets. again, overshoot your reps...more than 8 and less than 10. if more than 10, the bar weight needs to be raised. this is the 2nd of the down sets

weight used: for 6-8 reps it should be a weight you can use for 6 reps and/or under what you started out with at best..go by feel if need be.

d. 1x1+- this is to utilize the speed and explosiveness gained from the 5 previous sets. the object in this set is to move the bar as fast as you can. the weight is more than what was used in your heaviest set. this is the overload set cause your pre-exhausted from the prior 3 sets.

weight used: for a single it should be a weight you can use for 2 reps and/or little over what you started out with at best..go by feel if need be.

here's an idea of what someone would use if their squat max was 600's what i would do:

525-1x3-5  525-1x5+  365-1x10+  455-1x6-8  455-1x8+  540-1x1+

go by feel when in doubt.

the following can be used on other movements as u see fit.

- pure chaos

perform 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps with heavy weight. then drop the weight(not a lot see below) and perform 15 rest pause reps or more. here's what it would look like if i was doin dips

3Px6 4Px6 2Px16RP

or if i was doin leg presses
1080x6 1440x4 900x15RP

- suicide juggle
you perform a set of 8 rep and then rest for 30 seconds and then perform another set of 12 and then rest another 30 sec. 3rd set, 15 reps and rest 30, and 4th set perform 10 reps. i've done this tonite on inclines dbs, cg floor presses, and military rack presses and they were awesome. then u perform forced reps to failure

this is doin 3-4 sets of 3-8 reps though each rep is to be taken to failure with each set juggling the bar weight and then following it up with 15 RP reps after the 3-4 sets. the rep range is to promote strength and size gains.

these are just a sample of the growing chaos513 training. right now i'm running the advanced chaos513 with the training cycle i described above. but the concept of reps and sets is 531 but how you perform them is different. you go to your max rep set first and then do the 1st set 2nd and 2nd set the 3rd set of 531 and then you go 30-50 lbs more than your max-rep set and perform a double or single. the 4th week is a reverse band week where you work up to a single and drop down and do triples and then do another single more than you originally worked up to. why do this? chaos again! you start heavy, go light, and go in between where your speed picks up and go heavy again! but this time, it easier. however you can change this to working against the bands if you prefer or speed work. you do this week once every 8 weeks. the next 4th week is a deload. if you using the basics, i would recommend a deload every 4 weeks.

week a

week b

week c

how if perform speed work is different as well. you can use this as a deload or in place for the reverse bands.

first 3 sets- 3x3- heaviest band tension
2nd 3 sets- 3x3- the lightest band tension
3rd 4 sets- 4x3- the MEDIUM band tension

you have to have at least 3 levels of band tensions to juggle. use the heaviest combo you have for the first 3 sets and the lightest combo for the 2nd 3 sets and the "in-between" combo for the last 4. for instance...if i had choked greens and dbl's what i would do...

first 3 sets- choked greens & dbl minis
2nd 3 sets- dbl minis
3rd 4 sets- choked greens

after those sets, perform a repout. if your benching 500, your repout should be 225...benching 550, your repout weigh should be 315 and if your benching 600, your repout weight 405. same goes for the squat and dead. this is just for speed transition from the bands and good for those who have issues at the bottom of the big lifts. reverse bands will help with the lockout. use either two depending on your weakness.

deload weeks are done with less volume than normal and instead of starting with the major movements, you start with the isolation movements. for instance...on chest and shoulder day you might do this:

- pec deck or dips for 25RP
- incline bench for 1x5; 1x10; 1x8; 1x6; 1x12
- lateral raises for 25RP
- STOHP or seated militaries for 1x5; 1x10; 1x8; 1x6; 1x12

the focus of a deload week is to get as much blood goin as possible to help faciliate recovery. also workouts should be shorter than normal too. you also notice that you'll be juggling reps and it should be with the same weight.

like i said this is constantly growing but gives you an idea on what cHaOs513 is and what i've been doing. if you have any questions, email me at

***starting this wednesday, i will be doing a new concept on speed work by juggling the weights & reps. this will help with speed greatly and works will for those who don't have bands. here 4 bar weights to use for the course of 10 sets and follow them in this's what i will be an example
- heavy speed- 405- 4x1
- light speed- 315- 4x3
- medium speed- 365- 2x3
- medium speed- 385- 2x1
here's a post i got from jwood from MUSCLE & BRAWN forums:

I like this system, it is a little confusing just about what weights to use for which sets. Here are a few questions:

see the first post. i edited it with mention of what weight to use...

i got this as well. alot of times you know yourself what you can do for 6, 8, 10, 12, etc reps and what weight to's an idea per method on what weight to use...keep in mind everyone is different in terms of strength. i've seen a guy who couldn't budge 405 on decline but rep 315 for 20 reps...

For the basic program, would you use the same weights as you would on a normal 5/3/1, except your rep plus set first and then the other sets followed by a single?


You mentioned that westside has used extreme pre exhaustion techniques for a while, and I was wondering how they utilize them?

when they work up to a max attempt. when they miss that attempt they drop the weight down and work back up again and most times hit a PR 5-10lbs under what they missed in training. you can see this in one of their older squat/deadlift vids from back in 2004 i believe...

How do you split the workouts?

that's completely up to you. i recommend splitting it up one of two ways:

day 1: squat(quad, hammy, calf, and ab work)
day 2: bench(shoulders, chest, and triceps)
day 3: deads(back, traps, biceps or hammers for me..hehe)


day 1: squat(quad, hammy, calf, and ab work)
day 2: bench(chest, and light triceps, abs)
day 3: deads(back, traps, biceps or hammers for me..hehe, abs)
day 4: militaries(shoulders & heavy triceps, abs)

this helps some bro?

UPDATED 1/14/11

this cycle is geared towards band work and strength specialization. its taking 3 movements...each specializing in the big 3 in some way. the following can be used:

box squats( using various heights depending on what needs to be focused on)
front squats
front box squats

pin presses
floor presses

deficit deads
rack pulls

the cycle for this is 3 weeks and can be done for 1-2 rotations. still following a 5-1-3 format but in this manner


then after you work up to the suggested RM, then you perform the following on either the squat, bench, or deads without bands and without the specialized movement

WEEK 1- 1x5+ 1x5
WEEK 2- 1x1+ 1x3
WEEK 3- 1x3+ 1x3

as for what numbers to use, refer to the 531 template. the repout sets and the 2nd set following that(which on 531 is the 1st set) are done. this is to RESTABILIZE after doin band work. you may want to do a set or two to ADJUST to the straight weight and let your body get used to it and then perform the following two sets. i'll be experimenting with this in two weeks...

cHaOs513 speed squat session

chaos513 speed squat
raw squats w/o bands
135x10 225x3 315x2
405x2 495x1 585x1 675x1
585x3 650x3 705x1

modified hack squat
360x1-3-1-3-3 270x24RP

leg extensions
210x6 210x6 140x18RP

leg curls
180x6 180x6 140x16RP

seated machine calf raises
370x6 390x4 290x20RP

floor pause rolling extensions
55x6 55x6 30x18RP

dbl handle pushdowns

***tonite was an awesome fuckin nite to squat. the form felt a lot better after james hinson cleared up some things for me on the tech. defintely felt stronger. you'll see from the vids but you be the judge on this. 705 was easier than 675 so i see myself doin 800 on these soon. its a matter of form, tech, and getting used to the weight. did a lot of quad work tonite to strengthen the form more. did some front squats and then did some modified hack squats which is sitting up higher on the machine and being more of a squat. felt great. went onto leg extensions and leg curls and could hardly fuckin walk at this point. love it. went onto doin some triceps and abs and was done. this week we are back to week 1 hitting 5s...BJ wants to test the waters on 455. i know he has it in him..

can't wait to kill bench like i did tonite on squats,

Dec 13, 2010

some interesting movements by john meadows

i've subscribed to his youtube page and found some movements worth giving a shot...

my bro james hinson, jr was doin these a while back...

Dec 11, 2010

cHaOs deadlift session

reverse band deads
w/o bands- 135x3 225x3 315x2
w/bands- 405x2 495x1 585x1 655x1
585x3 625x3 675x1

barbell shrugs
1035x4 1035x2-2 1035x5

barbell rows
495x5 545x5 455x16RP

150sx6 150sx6 100sx16RP

***i was short on time today and may do heavy tris on monday but still killed it. 675 looked stronger that the 655. but a good way to get some heavy weight in my hands though. 1035 on shrugs was easier this week and rows were easier this week too. i guess things felt easier this week after reverse band deads. it was a good session...wish i had done more but got up later than i should and had to work are some updated 330ish...

hate being pressed for time,

Dec 8, 2010

what i wear daily

My firebreather dog tag and custom key my bro BJ made.
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cHaOs speed bench session

raw bench
135x20 225x20 315x6
raw reverse band blue bench
405x5 495x3 585x3 650x0
545x3 625x3 645x0 645x1! PR

smith machine inclines
365x6 405x4 315x15RP

pec deck
180x15 reps

standing overhead press
135x5 225x3 255x0 235x3 205x5 255x1

side laterals
100x6 115x6 50x20RP

***tonite was a fuckin awesome session. me and BJ made some mods to our setup and bam! we were hammering up some weights. our last sets were the strongest compared to our first single attempts. mine was 650 and BJ's was 585. then we dropped down and worked up to a triple with 625 and BJ did 545. then we went after it again. BJ missed 585 and got 555...very strong. i missed 645 and got it again...very strong too. after that. we were running off of will power. smitch machine inclines were punishers and so was the STOHP. but we pushed thru but this was pure brutal session...THINK BIG...TRAIN BRUTAL..GET STRONGER. that's what we were fuckin doin. BJ pushed me to doin the 115s for 6 and he did 105s for 6 reps. we both are goin into a coma tonite but its fuckin worth it. next time..650 and 585 will be our bitches...

two fuckin freight trains are out of control folks!

Dec 7, 2010

the theory behind cHaOs513

here's a post that was made asking about how i was training from

Originally Posted by Ryan Bracewell

TB, I have never seen someone work to a max the way you do. If I'm reading it correctly, you work up to a heavy rep set, then drop down around 10-30% and work back up to a 1 rep max? What is the reasoning behind this setup?

its the concept of pre-exhaustion. i learned it years ago. my coach once had me work up to close-grip 3 boards doin 635 for a triple which blew up my triceps(in a shirt btw). then he has me take 675 full range. didn't think about how heavy it was cause of the work i had done and it flew up fast.

conditioning and throwing your body "completely" for a loop. everyone is used to working up to a max and maybe dropping down and being finished right?

well why don't we change that. instead of working back up. me and another bro has found out that we move heavier weight faster by the time we get to the 4th set. it also simulates what powerlifters will experience in competition in terms of energy expenditure. at this level, you'll be able to still go balls to the wall without bein exhausted. also, it eliminates the mental aspect. if you attempt 700 for a single after bein pre-exhausted, no way will you be intimidated if you triple it.

i've been training like this for a month now and every week my weights are moving a LOT FASTER...squats, bench, and deads. training like this does something wicked to your speed against heavier weights and not just light weights.

i hope this helps,

cHaOs squat session

raw squat
barxbazillion 135x6 225x3 315x2 405x1 495x1
530x5 420x5 475x3 545x1(easy and fuckin deep!)

front squat
225x5 225x5 315x3 405x1 405x1(deep)

leg extensions
250x6 250x6 170x20RP

leg curls

seated machine calf raises
310x6 350x6 350x6


***i believe this was the best squat session in the one month i've gone raw. felt awesome to move 545 deep like i did on my last set after what i did before. reps were deep...focused on keeping my head up, traps into the bar, and chest up but you guys be the judge. went onto front squats at the suggestion of a good brother of mine. those also felt great. worked up to 405. first time goin that heavy on front squats. i'll be moving some big weights in no time so hey are a keeper.

bring on the fuckin bench,

Dec 5, 2010

cHaOs dead session

Raw deads
225x3 315x2 405x2
520x5 410x5 465x3 545x2

Barbell shrugs
585x3 765x3 855x3 1035x4 1035x4 1035x5

Barbell rows
455x5 495x4 495x4 405x16RP

Seated hammers
100s x 6 100s x 6 100s x 6

Ez bar curls

100s x 6 105s x 6 115s x 6


***deads went well tonite. Focused on keeping the chest up and back arched and everything moved faster...even the 545 for 2 on the last set. They were very strong. Was able to throw on 1035 on shrugs and i will be doing them next week. They were fun. Rows are goin up. I will be staying at 495 next week as well. Finshed up with some bi and tri work and was out. I got vid but it will be up later. Been a stressful day for me and its supposed to be my off day....

I took it out on the iron,
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Dec 2, 2010

few notes...

goin into next week of training there a few things i need to make note of doing starting next week


- gotta stay upright on them but having the chest up. i've done this before in gear and now gotta focus on it more
- will be adding in FLB(front low box) squats in place of leg press til my issue on squats is fixed. will still do leg extensions
- will continue to do ab work 3 days a week. that has been paying off


- me and BJ will be goin into our speed week and will be using a mini around our wrist when we bench
- going to focus more on finding a stable leg position on bench. meaning i should have no leg movement during the bench. BJ was really good on this now. now its my turn.
- will focus on squeezing the bar more and keepin the lats flexed. my upper back is sore tonite and so is BJ's...we did something right on bench.


- like the squat, continue to throw the chest up on sumo deads
- spread the knees

i picked up two vids on youtube that i'm goin to be watching back and forth TIL i get this shit right...

if you guys can think of anything you've seen in my vids, drop me a line...

Dec 1, 2010

cHaOs513 bench session

raw bench
135x20 225x20 315x6
425x4 425x2 380x3 405x3 460x1(strong!)

incline machine bench
365x5 405x4 315x18RP

floor flyes

standing militaries
135x6 185x3 225x1
275x2 210x5 245x3 285x0-1

front laterals
105x5 105x4 105x4

side laterals

rocky abs for 3 sets of 10

***tonite was a kickass session even though my head felt like it was 425 for 4 and then did again cause BJ got me fired up after doin 330 for 6 i did again for 2 reps and they were faster 4 rep set which means i need to get my setup a lot tighter and bring down the weights abit on this and check my ego. then worked up to 460 for 1 and BJ got 405 for 1 the same way i got my was strong but not easy. 2 weeks ago, he could barely get 405 and he got it on his own tonite for a strong single. changed up the accy movement and did some smith machine inclines for some direct upper chest work and i worked up to 405 for 4 and BJ did 365 for 4 on his last set....dropped weight and did our RP sets which killed us both. then did floor flyes working up to 70s and then doin 60s where BJ busted out 22 reps nonstop which means more weight next time for the both of us...i did 18RP. he's pushing me big time and i fuckin love it. did our standing max set was 275 for 2 and my last set was 285 for 1 after missing it..BJ did 225 for 1 and then on his last set did 235 for 1 easy. WTF right. keep in mind we work down and back up which throws the body out of balance, you use more explosive strength, and your pre-exhausted. then went to some front laterals. worked them heavy again since they moved my bench up big time and did 3 sets with 105s and then did side laterals with 60s for 18RP reps. felt awesome training tonite but we also felt like we are gettin strong as hell too!

onward to deads,

Nov 29, 2010

new pics of me @ 330

here are some new shots...i'm a lot leaner but stronger....reposting the quad shots just in case you missed it.

cHaOs513 squat session

raw squats

135x10-10 225x6-6 315x1
405x1 495x1
530x4 420x5 455x3 500x2 500x1

leg press
810x6 810x6 990x4 630x20RP

leg curls
180x5 180x5 120x15RP

calf raises
360x6 450x6 360x18RP


***training tonite was a ballbuster indeed. worked on form dropped the cycle down a bit to do this so the weights tonite were chosen right. will be using my chucks next time though...been using some wrestling shoes lately. i believe reps this week were deeper than last week but you make the call yourself. leg presses went great...looks like i'll be loading up the top portion next time..haha! brought my stance in closer to simulate a deep squat as possible. then onto leg curls, calves and abs and was done. was about damn near puking level when i walked out of the gym...i took very little rest between sets cause the gym was closing at 5. i know..on a sunday its usually 6pm. oh well. here's the squat vid from today and bench vid from last wednesday. next up is bench and shoulders...

feelin good about this,



***even though i wrote this note october 31, 2010, i dedicate this note to NICK WINTERS. He was a true warrior of the iron and a true brother. He gave me knowledge and thru his actions he showed me what it means to NEVER BE SATISFIED BY ANY MEANS! he best represents what doing the "unthinkable" is. he did it during his training and did to get stronger. He motivated me and fired me up to be stronger and be proud to be a monster. And for that i thank him and will miss him and the strength, knowledge, and motivation i carry with me that he gave birth do will never die. And for that, I will dedicate my lifting now to doing so I WILL GO RAW FOR GOOD. REST IN PEACE BROTHER...until i see you again...KEEP THE BAR LOADED.***

its only fitting i write this on halloween...have a lot to say so this is goin to be rather long....bear with me...

what does doing the "unthinkable" mean? it means doin things no one saw comin. committing to an act in favor of a larger picture at the cost of something. but here's the thing...that "cost" was already paid. doin the unthinkable means doin something without hesitation that fuckin shocks everyone. like a freak that's been in the basement that comes out and fuckin does shit no one has seen shaking up that fuckin balance that people calling themselves "champions" do. that's the unthinkable. to mean doin the unthinkable is what happens when all you have left is PURE hunger and no other way but to charge thru and unleash hell. doin the unthinkable at times can be doin that extra 100lbs no one is willing to do but don't think you can can be doin that one crazy HEAVY-ass set on squats with a weight you've never done before after having done a huge repout for 10 reps and your flat out can be breaking a 20 year old record no one thought you could can be loading up the weight on the bar that you believe isn't fuckin human, no one has done, but you know it must be done..AND YOU DO IT EASY! it can be goin outside of what you know to acheive that goal...and doin it without hesitation...and no regrets. unthinkable is all in the mind goin foward...

He stood before him..arrogant and strong. He looks into his eyes and an overwhelming rush of fear came over him. He sweats. He questions himself as a man. His heart for battle is gone. Why? Because he saw the killer instinct & hunger of a warrior.

the thoughts of a man willing to do the unthinkable to achieve his goal is what made the other tremble and sweat. why? cause he wasn't willing to go that far for it. that's what called "limits". its human nature to acheive them. that's right, human nature. what separates us from the rest is what and how far we are willing to do and how far we are willing to go. what beasts are we willing to unleash? that is the question. how do you get that point? where you abandon the chains you've carried all your life...where you cut loose what you known to hold you back...its simple. when its taken from you. like a pacifier from a baby forced to deal with life without it. forced to adapt. what we pose as "unthinkable" in our minds aren't so much when rage and hunger is all that remains...

When you lose it all and your at rock bottom all you have left is that hunger..the hunger to be more than what you are and want it BAD.

that hunger will drive you to do what you think is unthinkable. some do it to survive in this world. others do it to acheive a goal bigger than themselves. when i walk around in daily life i look for this in people. thru their eyes is where i can see it. the fact when it comes down to it...they will do the unthinkable to acheive their desired result. does it reinforce that killer instinct i talk about? yes. go back to the the example i gave above. the man with full of arrogancy and strength believe he will win the battle and move onto the next. he believes that this man before him doesn't have what it takes to put "fear" into his heart. ok so why did that change when he approached him? nuthin says pure intimidation and nuthin gives the other man more of an overwhelming fear more than that killer instinct in their eyes. fuck words. they only cover what's truly underneath but like the icy chill of winter, a stare of a man who has been thru hell, who's hungry, and who has that killer instinct and is willing to do the unthinkable to win the WAR. that's right, i said WAR. his opponent is only thinking about winning this battle while this man is preparing the long haul. his resolve will only get stronger whether he wins or loses. he know this much, his opponent will lose much heart and blood if he wins...enough not to face him the words of my big brother chad aichs..."you may beat me but you'll have to bleed first."

Strength to face your fear, Discipline to attack them, Determination to not let it stop you, the willingness to do the Unthinkable...and the Power to overcome them. Fear won't break Resolve.

But one must do the unthinkable, must we sacrifice something in turn? answer. it was already sacrifaced. why? because before the unthinkable occurs, there isn't any hesitation to do it. the chains have already been broken. that person already made that decision before it came to this. now its at a point where it MUST BE DONE for the hunger will burn more than ever one step closer to achieving that goal.

What evens the playing field with the bigger, stronger, and faster? Pure hunger and killer instinct! Remember that.

society likes humans to stay within their limits even when someone who hardly fuckin works and takes it the easy way and never appreciates the works. when those "champions" are sitting high and boast the claims of being bigger, stronger, and faster, they believe in their eyes its not necessary to evolve challenge themselves. its partly their fault. the other is society placing them there and keeping them there by all the admiring and praising. society hopes they can guard their BALANCE AND that no one comes to upset it. the world is changing. no more is their balance safe. pure hunger and killer instinct can level the playing field and MOST times overcome that champion...why? the warrior mindset to do the upset the balance...and change the fuckin game. everybody knows how the champion will gain victory and makes it his goal..everyone knows the warriors' goal but don't know how he will achieve it other than his actions and his resolve to do whatever it takes.

‎"When you hit the gym, you should be focused on the larger picture- hitting your goals, whatever they may be, and making everyone weep with fear when you stomp around the gym like a miniature Godzilla, not quibbling internally over nonsense that will have little to no bearing on achieving your goals."- jamie lewis

that quote hit home hard. it made me realize and focus on the LARGER PICTURE. doin the unthinkable means more than just doin shit in training that no one else will do or doin obsene numbers that normals can't even grasp. its about putting it out there...the platform...the cage...the arena...the stage...i know that now and i'm at a point now where doin the unthinkable is goin to happen. my hunger and my passion for the iron is too great and how i attack the iron with killer instinct will make be stronger regardless. yea, i have people who may think i'm a joke. i don't care. warriors learn to not let the words of little normal people affect them from the inevitable. best part about it is....they don't know what the inevitable is.

The strongest do whatever the hell they want to because they can."- greenie.

the strongest themselves upset the balance. goin to that place to do the unthinkable is what's necessary when all you have left if your hunger. everyday i strive to committ the unthinkable. just when people think i'm done, i go back for more. doin the unexpected. never settle for bein normal. you know now the playing field can be leveled. you know now that your resolve won't be broken. BUT you also know that your hunger grows stronger each day. I KNOW now what i'm left passion for the iron and my hunger to be evolving into something bigger than myself. i know it will be a war. i already have scars and know more are coming. i know more pain and suffering are coming. i'm not just willing to face them...i'm going to charge foward like the fuckin juggerant i warning whatsoever. so when someone decides to stare into my eyes, they will see hell. they will see the violent intentions i have as it will cause them to question why they are in front of me in the first place. they will know my killer instinct as it causes them to break into a fuckin sweat. they will know i'm liable to do the unthinkable and won't hesitate doin so...enough to take their heart for battle. will they fear me? maybe. i can't care if they fear me or not...what matters is they know i'm fuckin here and i'm after the LARGER PICTURE and they know for DAMN sure they are in for a fight --- win, lose or draw he will bleed and will lose heart. he won't return for a rematch if he isn't a warrior. warriors can only get stronger from the challenging of other warriors. anyone lesser than them won't survive the first encounter. i will close with this statement and the pic below which speaks UNTHINKABLE. with all that said..the question remains...when someone steps to you and they stare at you...what will they see...and..

are you willing to do the unthinkable?


Nov 27, 2010

rule #2 of CHAOS 513....see the bigger picture

the bigger picture

a warrior always sees the bigger picture. he uses his sword to slash and destroy what's before him cause its always something obstructing his path...he never stops cause he's always looking at the bigger what a battle is lost...the war is never fuckin over..

i'm surrounded by weak fucks who are blinded only by what's in front of them. they don't see past it. they never will. when shit changes they are left directionless. no where to go. until something else is in their vision blinding them once more. it becomes foresight. its fuckin predictable and i see it everyday with every person....because of egos, greed, and insecurities they are blind to this predictable process.

i see it all the time. fuckers who weren't focused decide that they once to "get back in the gym" that they shouldn't of left. only to see them leave when the next thing obstructing their vision returns. i've seen it happen and don't waste my time on those who can't see the bigger picture. they want to quit. they want to make it easy. that makes them weak. i see that. they allow those chains to pile on one after another til they are chained by society. sad fucks.

i'm always motivated by those who finally see this and are able to create the bigger picture for themselves...object of their focus. to me there is nothing better. another warrior who has joined the army against the natural order...for its "comfortable" setting of society that allows "weak" motherfuckers to be blinded by only what's in front of them. they aren't willing to sacrifice what i have sacrificed for the bigger picture.

i realize the bigger picture for me. i'm a nobody. i'm tired of it. i'm being held back and caged...i'm pissed off. i want to be the strongest motherfucker. its all i think about. in order to do this i have to challenge myself. how? by facing the strongest. this means upsetting what people see as normal. the balance. my mere existence now upsets the balance of normal. fine. the bigger picture is be the strongest motherfucker NO ONE SAW COMING!!

i'm done bein distracted by shit before me. i will do what i must to make that picture everyone's reality...cause i choose make it.

seize the bigger picture. don't be fuckin weak.

heroes & villians

"I'm my own brand of motherfucker."- Jonathan Greenwood

we see them in just about every gym around the world...the one the douchebags like to talk about to use "legit" lifters.

they are usually the strongest guy at the gym who usually given that title because he's putting up 500 or so on the bench. he does a million chest movements. never does legs however. wants to get his swole on. he's what every guy in the gym wants to be and what every girl wants to be with. he's usually giving bad advice on how to get his bench up. all the douches love him though. the gym owner like'em because he brings people to the gym. problem is with the heroes is that they aren't legit. they are comfortable with showing off to the other gymrats on international chest day like he's a star so almost every session is a social time for them. and even worse...they are content and comfortable. they are usually there til someone stronger steps into place and then they fade away...good. they're good for a laugh too. they have no fuckin idea on what it takes or for that matter what the "bigger picture" is. people love these guys. why? cause people feel like he's "normal". they want to "act like" as supposed to "being like"...they have their friends do things like "holding the bar" or scream at them looking like idiots. they are truly afraid of testing themselves more imporantly they are afraid of failure. he halfasses pretty much all the time and probably trains 8 days a fuckin week. testing yourself doesn't always have to happen on the platform. just becoming stronger than last week is enough and these guys aren't willing to do it. heroes don't like to sweat and ever notice that? they don't think its proper or that that they are pushing too hard. if they cry, they want sympathy. someone to tell them...that they are still "#1 in their eyes". usually pushing these guys hard will result in them no longer lifting or no longer lifting with you so they avoid you. they arent' willing to sacrifice shit for it either. they rather look swole for the club. pure and simple...they are a waste of space...and some of "today's" champions ARE this type unfortunately...

these are my types of motherfuckers. these guys could care less about who's watchin him or let alone what he's doin. he comes in with a purpose of getting stronger and better than yesterday. he doesn't say shit to anyone. why? cause no one in his immediate area is worth a damn. they are all douchebags til proven wrong. you know the types. they are the ones who bring in the chalk that gym owners hate. they roar like overgrown animals in the gym scaring away the "little" people and don't give a fuck. they bend bars too. they bust ass 24/7. the heroes can't stand these guys cause they are stronger than them. a lot of these guys are competitors. so they have that killer instinct. they will do what they do to accomplish their goals. they are legit. but because of the pussy society we have today they want to see the heroes but not the villains cause the villians intimidate the normal people...i say onto them villians because they are hated and sneered at by normal people who don't understand them. they aren't afraid to train til they puke. heroes can't stand them because they do insane shit that they know they will NEVER do. the bleed, sweat, and bleed some more cause villians know that tears won't mean shit and don't want sympathy if they fail....they will just try harder. they are stubborn bastards the lot of them. refuse to quit...refuse to believe they are weak. they will make even what appears to be the heaviest weight on the bar to normals look easy. why? cause they want to. they are hungry as hell for more weight to be stronger cause they know what it takes and they will do whatever it takes to get there..if they fall, they will rise up again and again and again. they are hated because they don't do what the "norm" or "average is. they upset the balance everywhere they go because they aren't what people expect them do be. pain and suffering is a regular thing to inflict on other or be stronger. when its time to push themselves, you see who they "really" are. monster, freak, beast, or animal...either way they are what they are...villians...

i know that after about 12+ gyms i've been through i'm a villian. i can tell you that when the douches come up and ask the question.."how did you get so big?" or "what's the secret?" they don't like the answer..."..i just bust my ass." i'm not afraid of hardwork and sweat and blood if need be. i won't be reinventing what's already been done. why? cause being the strongest guy at the gym isn't enough for me...i want more....therefore i train hungry...never satisfied. question is...which one are you...

hero or villian?

Nov 24, 2010

chaos513 bench session

raw bench
135x10 135x10 225x6 225x6 315x3 405x1

455x1 455x1(usual setup)
360x5 405x3 425x1 455x1 (westside setup--see below)

incline hammer strength press
470x6 520x5 380x16RP

pec deck
255x6 265x5 210x16RP

pushdowns with dbl minis
140x6 150x6 160x5 100x18RP

***tonite session was a bit weird. i started off using the setup that most guys use at westside barbell(legs not tucked and just arching the upper back)to show BJ and well it felt faster and stronger so i used that setup all the way to 455 where i reverted back to my old setup. i was gettin stapled for some reason with 455. then i dropped down to 360 for 5 and used the WSB setup and BOOM! the weights were flying. 405 for 3..BOOM! again...the weights were flying. then 425 for 1..BOOM! again, flew up and so did 455 which looked faster on vid than the first time i attempted it. so i'm scaling back my training cycle to accomodate this new setup and work on it. BJ did good tonite. he did 405 for a single using the same setup i did. his 315 for 5, 360 for 3 and 385 for 1 were all easy to him. then we moved onto incline hammer strength where we had to use the 100s and then followed up with pec deck and pushdowns and we were done. i might have over-exerted myself the other day but its all endurance work. talked to hulk hires today about my squats and i have some things to fix on that as well like staying upright(head up) and finding that sweet spot on squats. i'm squattin wider than i would normally do raw and i need to work on gettin back into that old stance again. so i'm goin to take a month off the training cycle on squats to work on this but still work on gettin stronger. i'm also goin to add in pause squats too as per adam's suggestion. still on the path for that 600 raw, i will adjust to this setup. maybe pick paul key's brain on this since he uses the same setup.

the only thing that doesn't need work is deads...go figure,

Nov 22, 2010

chaos513 dead session

deadlift/shoulder press day

sumo deads
225x6 315x2 315x2 405x1 405x1
465x8 405x5 445x5 495x1

barbell shrugs
585x5 675x5 765x5 845x5 995x5

barbell rows
405x6 455x5

front pulldowns
200x5 200x5

standing miltaries
135x2 185x3 225x1
240x7+1 205x5 225x5 275x1

side laterals
90x6 100x6

495x6 675x1 585x5

100x6 110x6

straight bar preachers

***this was pure hell. i had to make up for 2 session tonite but this is pure endurance. sumo deads were a lot stronger this week than last...added in a single at the end for speed. got 995 for 7 on time a 45 is goin on there making it 1055. it was easier than i thought. everyone in the gym stopped and stared at me while i was doin it...that's pure motivation for me. standing militaries went ok. could of gotten 275 a lot faster on that last set. but i killed it tonite for sure. nothing will stop me from doin 600 at bench nationals. i'm that hungry right now. i was fueled by nuthin more than killer instinct and will power throughout this session. watching mike van wyck's new vid defintely motivated me since he's 330 as well.

onward to bench with bj,

Nov 19, 2010

chaos 513 squat session

squat day

raw squats
135x10 225x6 315x3 405x1
510x7 510x1 430x5 480x5

leg press
920x6 1010x5 740x18RP

leg curls
200x1-200x3-200x1-200x3 140x18RP

seated calf raises
450x6 450x6 270x19RP

ab work

***tonite was a fuckin awesome session though i started to suck on squats i got better. they felt hard but on vid they looked easy to my surprise. i got the bar uneven with 480 and fuckin hated but still did the set. went to leg press and loaded it up to 1010 for a set of 5 and dropped down and did 18RP reps with 740. went to calf raises cause i needed to work on them and use them more as a stabilizer muscle on squats. went to 450 and finished up with abs with 5 hanging leg raises with the bottom of my feet facing the ceiling. should do them like that more often. anyways, i got a few quad shots since i don't do many of them. i got vid so they will be up in a few days. bj was a the gym tonite doin back and throwing up some weight...really good weight. next, shoulders and heavy tris!

yea, i got fuckin teardrops motherfuckers,

Nov 18, 2010


rule #1 of the wolfpac- NEVER USE THE WORDS "GOOD LUCK". you don't use it in training so you damn sure don't need it come time to prove yourself whether it be on stage, platform, or arena or elsewhere. luck is for the weak. we are using sweat, blood, and more sweat to kickass and take names when the time comes. luck implies that you may or may not do well. man the fuck up. if you have that animalistic violent resolve...luck will only be reserved for your competition....for you will bring the fury of hell....again...rule #1- NEVER USE THE WORDS "GOOD LUCK".

Nov 17, 2010

bench day- chaos 513 project

bench day

raw bench
135x20 225x20 315x6 365x1
405x8 360x5 380x5***

incline hammer strength(plates are total)
8plates*6 6plates+200*6

pec deck
255x6 265x6

pushdowns with dbl minis
80x5 90x5 100x5 110x5 120x5

***tonite was the first session on the chaos 513 project and i believe this will do something for me big time. even though i got 405 for 8 on the first set, on the last 380 for 5 felt like i could of done 15 which meant that 405 should of been a cake walk. but no worries. i will get 415 for 10 reps a month for now when i start this cycle over again. i fuckin feel it. then went to incline hammer strength where i did 2 sets heavy with 8 plates and then took off a plate and added 2 100s and did another set and then the last set was awesome! though moving up on weight on these will be a problem since i'm maxing out the machine. both me and bj were. he was training with me tonite. he didn't start strong on the bench but finished strong. he skullfucked 340 for 4 reps easy after gettin smashed with 405. he 6-0, 275 and built for a big bench, he just doesn't know it yet. we finished up with pec deck and pushdowns. can't wait to do squats and deads which will be done on the same day...

i'm loving this already,

Nov 14, 2010

speed bench

speed bench

speed bench with dbl minis
barx10 135x10 225x6 315x3
405x6 405x8(speed got better but want 10)

pec deck

inverted chest press
120x6-6 140x6-6-6 160x6

CG floor press
315x5-225x10 365x5-275x10

pushdowns w/ dbl mini

heavy kickbacks
120x5-60x10 120x5-60x10

***tonite was an ok session. speed bench took some adjusting since i didn't have a 2nd pair of bands and that will be fixed the next speed week but did what i could. finished up with 405 for 6 and did it again for 8 reps with the speed better and using more lats. the goal is 10 on these after speed work and didn't want to keep using 315 so i moved up to 405. i know i could do 315 for 15+ reps after speed work. anyways moved on to some direct chest work and tricep work. felt a tons strong on the CG floor presses...moved up to 365 for 5 and moved up to 120s on kickbacks. next speed day will be better...and

405 for 10 will be done,

deadlift day


raw sumo deads
225x6 315x3 315x1 405x1
480x3 480x6 335x8 335x8 405x9

barbell shrugs
405x5 605x5 695x5 785x5 875x3
965x5 965x7 965x6 605x10

barbell rows

lat pulldowns
140x10x5(10s rest)

130x6x6(6s rest)

close-grip pulldowns
120x6x6(6s rest)

150sx3 150sx1 150sx3 150sx1 150sx10

machine curls
80x6x6(6s rest)


***today was ball-buster and came close to a big vomit at the end had it not been for the cold air we have down here right now. sumo deads went faster than i thought they did on video. i was shocked. 2 week of this program and next week is a speed week. want to do some heavy shrugs and worked up to what i could fit on the bar...965 and did 3 sets of it and on vid they may not look like they went up much but I AM feeling these now as i type this. its sick. moved onto rows and did 2 supersets and finished up back and hammers and abs and was out. vids will have to come later as i'm flat out exhausted from this session but i love it.

when pain become pleasure, then you will have the gain,

bench accy day

bench accy day

db inclines
75x10 75x10 105x3
135x5-105x10 135x5-105x10 150x5-105x10 150x5-105x10(little rest between sets0

heavy dips
bw+90x3-1-3-1(little rest)
bw+180x3-1(little rest)

pec deck(6 sec rest)

plate loaded seated press

heavy rear db laterals
105x5-50x10 115x5-50x10 115x5-50x10


***one kickass session today. i felt good. kept away from any barbell and flat back movements that would resemble a regular bench so i opted for those movements. i need to do some db work to work on more stabilizers. first time goin heavy on dips..was pleased with 180 plus 330 in bw. the gym had a plate loaded seated press which with 2 45s per side was hard so its truly worked my stabilizers. then finished up with heavy rear db laterals and abs. i have vid below but the audio is muted...bah! youtube. next up deadlift day..

time to get my sumo up,

squat day

squat nite

raw squats
135x10 225x6 315x3 405x1
520x3 520x6 370x8 370x8 445x6

front squats


***tonite was squat nite after work and i fuckin loved it. gotta learn to keep sittin back on my squats cause when i do, they get easier to do. nite and day ya know? the 520 for 6 wasn't bad and 445 was a lot better when i got focused. yea..i use too much retard strength when i don't focus on doin the movement "right". next week will be "sit back...sit back.." front squats i'm gettin the hang of. took little rest between sets and was goin to do 4 but went 6 cause i was loving the movement and the pain involved and also was squatting "right". did abs and was out. will resume doin leg curls and leg extensions on bench accy day though...the good thing when i train this way...when i'm exhausted...all that's left is the killer instinct to keep doin...

yea..i had trouble walking out of the gym,