What is the FIVE percent?
In January, I introduced the FIVE percent, and I received a lot of questions asking me what exactly it was. In this month’s article, you will get the answers to that question, along with one of my FIVE percent goals.
The FIVE percent is a system for making you the best you can be in all areas of your life. For now I will focus these articles on training, but later we will spread out into all areas of our lives. It starts with figuring out what your goals are, then helps you set those goals beyond what others see as possible – all while developing behaviors and a mindset that allow you to achieve those goals and the ultimate you.
Being the best that you can possibly be is a tough line to tow and measure. For some people, this involves being a state or national level competitor. For others it means setting world records. All my life I have always been pushed by a burning internal fire to be better than everyone else. Not in every area, but for some reason this has always been the case when it comes to physical endeavors. I’ve never wanted to lose.
I’ve always prided myself on having a mental resolve that was greater than everyone else’s. I went through a lot of training partners in high school and college because they couldn’t hang with me. They would always tell me I didn’t need a training partner because no one could push me harder than I pushed myself. As an aside here, I later found out that a training partner who can get me to quit, instead of one who can keep me going, is what I’ve always needed.
This mentality made me successful at wrestling, football and weightlifting. This burning desire inside of me, and the singular focus to excel in these areas is where the FIVE percent was first conceived.
Not until my trip two years ago to Los Angeles did I put a name to this concept. Part of what helped me do this is a conversation with a mentor of mine. He asked me, “If I gave you a billion dollars, but to get the money you had to have a job, what would you do?”
Instantly, I replied, “TRAIN.” Not train others, but train myself. I would eat, sleep and train all day, and he asked, “So why don’t you do that?”
At first I laughed, but then I realized that was my FIVE percent goal. If someone doesn’t chuckle when you tell them your FIVE percent goal, then you haven’t reached high enough. When I told Dave that I wanted to be 255 pounds of lean mass (bod pod measured), he laughed. Dave is very supportive and helps whenever he can, but when he laughed I knew I had set the right FIVE percent goal. Why 255 pounds of lean mass, you ask? Because that’s what I feel will make me very good on a bodybuilding stage.
I established this goal by using one of the most critical steps in the FIVE percent process: the Magic Wand Vitalization process. What you do is set aside 10 minutes where you won’t be disturbed. Have a pen and a piece of paper handy. Close your eyes and start to look at your training. Think about where your training is recently, what your body looks like, how your body feels (injuries/aches and pains), what your strengths and weaknesses are, and what your numbers are.
Now, pretend you have a magic wand that gives you the ability to make any change you want to your current situation. Whether it’s a higher vertical, pain free shoulders, a bigger bench or just bigger biceps, you need to go through all areas of your body and training. You have the magic wand and this is your time to make yourself the best you can be – the ultimate you – so don’t hold back.
Open your eyes and start writing down what the image you have created with your magic wand looks like. These are your FIVE percent training goals, and next time we’ll talk about how to get there.
I look forward to hearing about your FIVE percent goals here on Elite, and if you need help with the Magic Wand Vitalization process, just shoot an email here and I will be glad to help. In the next article I will get into more detail about how you get to your FIVE percent goals, what mine are, and how they’re going.
“It’s easy to scrutinize other people, but to examine your own life is the true challenge.”
Until next time.
Here are a couple of JL’s recent training logs:
Upper Body:
I haven't posted in some time. My main goals right now are:
1. Be healthy.
2. Get big as hell.
3. Look good (at least better than Dave).
4. Be strong.
I will post from time to time on the Lexen log (Team Xtreme), as that’s where I'm training now. Also, I will have my monthly FIVE percent articles, so be on the lookout for those. I train in the evening with my training partner Brian Billings. We do our own thing. As you can see, my goals are not directed toward powerlifting right now.
Warm Up:
Pulldowns: 2x20
Shoulder Circuit: Front/Lat Raise, Plate Power Cleans, Windmills
Dynamic Stretch
Close Grip Reverse Blue Band Press:
I tried to convince the girls who did this with us that doing it shirtless would help, but I ended up being the only one with my shirt off.
DB Flies w/Mini Band(Set up like cable flies):
DB Incline Ext w/mini band around bench frame:
Straight Arm Pulldowns:
Lateral raises:
Decline Sit Ups:
ME Bench:
As you know from my first FIVE percent article, I’m not going for pure strength. I’m on my second week of dieting, and my abs are starting to show back up, which is difficult because I’m refusing to shave my hairy ass until the Arnold comes to town. Then I’ll be ready to make some hot figure chick fall in love with me. And then probably break up with her and make her cry. It's what I'm good at, besides lifting.
Warm Up:
Pulldowns/shoulder circuit/dynamic stretch
Incline bench press:
I was going to do another set of 455 or heavier, but my training partner pointed out that the bench was bowing under the weight and looked as if it would break. Since I’m not ready to die, I just did one more pump set.
All set after this (done with only 90 seconds rest), and damn I'm out of shape, ‘cause that kicked my ass.
Close grip bench: 245x10,10,10, 225x10
Skull Crushers: (hell yeah - 70x10,90x10,110x10,10)
Lateral Raise/Rear Delt Raise:
Pushdowns: 3x15
Forearms: 5x15
My right forearm looked really freaky after 3 sets, so we did 2 more, and it looked like there was a growth or my arm was broken. I will get a picture next time. It's freaky looking.
Went home and cooked food for rest of week. Turkey meatloaf is the bomb.
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