raw band squats(+210)
raw squats
leg press
leg extensions
ham killers
3 sets of 5 with bodyweight
seated calf raises
***glad deload is over. had to modify my squat stance a bit to go more narrow for the time being but it worked very well...was still able to go deep and more quad squatter now too. switchin from power reps to HIT and back defintely shocked the quads on leg press but will do more next week...
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eKTxYVA6-0g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
hunger...u haven't seen shit yet
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Jun 22, 2011
Jun 20, 2011
new training cycle
been training hard after my meet that led to some "issues" that came up but now that i'm 100% again i can start training for my meet in october. its a 8 week rotation on the big 3....still doin the same stuff...the combo of doug young, dorian yates, ed coan, and branch warren and some new stuff as well. i'm even hungrier than before. there are some methods that i'm goin to use during this cycle so i don't go all over the place and go crazy though if anything new comes up i defintely will let u guys in on it for sure...first, the methods of chaos have evolved...or rather mutated...here goes
chaos HIT
- first set is a set of 20+ reps...done normal and to get the blood goin. 2nd set is done to failure using HIT...3rd set is a repout with either the same weight or slightly less(more challenging to use the same weight)...4th set is goin to HIT failure again with a weight more than what u used on the 2nd set. the last set is done DC style...with the same weight only.
F5 method
- this is doin 5 sets of a mininum of 5 reps. overshoot each set. the cadences change from set to set...1 set is done explosively...set 2 HIT...and then alternate...rest is MAXIMUM of 30 sec...weight increases each set...
- this is done doin 10 sets of 5 with 5 sec rest between set with HIT style...slow and controlled..towards the last 3...these become a bitch!!
blast doubles/DC
- this is done with starting wtih 5-6 sets of 2 reps...30 sec rest between sets...then with a 60 sec rest...do 15+ rest pause reps with 15 breaths between pauses...DC style
chaotic volume blast
-2x10; 1x30; 2x10; 1x30; 2x10; 1x30. OR
2x5; 1x10; 2x5; 1x10; 2x5; 1x10
the goal is to do 6 sets of 10 and 3 sets of 30 total.
with every set u progress up in weight til u cannot to
a set of 10 and 30 anymore
progress up in weight every set
Stop once you cannot complete 10 reps with the weight you choose.
For example, if you completed 5 sets of 10 reps but on the 6th set
you only got 8 reps, then your volume blast is done.
bulgarian 513 loading
**i had been doin this for years but now i know why it works. who would know better to be strong badasses other than the bulgarians right. this method can be applied to the BIG 3 AND is based on a max you can do THAT DAY.
first- you do 2-3 sets of 5 reps progressing up in weight
2nd- you do 1-2 sets of 1 rep progressing up in weight
3rd- you do 2-3 sets of 3 reps progressing BACK up in weight...
4th- you do 1-2 sets of 1 rep progressing up a weight heavier than your first 1RM max done earlier
now for the training cycles...first the squat...
week 1- band squats- 5 singles or more....4 sets of 5+ w/o bands
week 2- high singles(min of 10 singles)
week 3- partial squats/ reverse band squats/ partial front squats...5 singles or more....bulgarian 513 raw
week 4- high doubles(min of 5 doubles)
week 5- band box squats up to triples/ 4 sets of 3+ w/o bands/box
week 6- high singles(min of 10 singles)/partial or reverse band movement...5 doubles
week 7- bulgarian 513 raw/ partial or reverse band movement...min of 5 doubles
week 8- deload
week 1- 4x5+/5 singles or more
week 2- HIGH doubles
week 3- 5 singles or more/ 4 sets of 5+
week 4- reverse band/partial movement- 5 singles...high singles raw
week 5- 5 singles/ 4 set of 3+
week 6- HIGH doubles
week 7- reverse band/partial movement- 5 singles....4 sets of 3+ raw
week 8- deload
week 1- speed deads with 405 and 495
week 2- deficit deads...min of 10 singles
week 3- speed deads w/ 405-495-585
week 4- band deads...min of 5 doubles...speed deads with 495
week 5- high doubles
week 6- reverse band/partial movement...5 singles min...speed deads
week 7- deficit deads...min of 5 singles...speed deads
week 8- deload
here are some oldies that are still goin to pop up here and there...
- overkill method
this is doin a set of 5+ reps(goin over 5 reps) and following it up with 2 sets of 10 and then doin a set of 5+ reps again and following it up with 2 sets of 10...and the final set is REST PAUSE FAILURE!! or RPF. the rest between sets is 45-60 sec...the bar weight is juggled throughout the 5 sets total.
SDS (sick-death-suicide) 6-6-6
**THIS ONE IS BAD!! in a good way. the aim of every set is to accomplish the goal of 6+ reps. now you can do this one of two ways
*keeping the weight the same(something that you can do 6-8 reps with) and starting out doin 6+ reps explosive...followed BY 5-10 sec rest and doin 6+ more reps HIT style...FOLLOWED BY another 5-10 sec rest and doin 6+ reps explosively again. here's the DEATH part...do as many rounds as u can til you can't do anymore...that's it!
*keeping the weight juggled...meaning u do the first set(heavy set...a weight u can do 4-6 reps to start with) for 6+ reps HIT style...then followed by the 2nd set after 10-15 sec rest and another set of 6+ reps but with weight lighter than the first set...10-15 rest and then doin a 3rd set HIT style with a weight heavier than the FIRST SET and you take another 10-15 sec rest and perform THEN you peform a set of failure forced reps... you do this combo til you can't do anymore...
***its important to do fasica stretching between the 3 sets each...***
six feet under method
you do 6 sets total. the first 3 are done heavy-light-heavy...and the cadence is HIT-explosive-HIT...they are done back to back. then the next 6 sets are done light-heavy-light and the cadence is explosive-HIT-explosive...and they also done back to back...
as i get closer to the meet...i will be doin bill kazmaier's bench program and seein how it goes. this was the one bench program nick winters never got to try but he sent to me years before to put into paper...that or the gillespie routine...we'll see. here's the kaz's program below...
lookin foward to tearing 2200 raw a new fuckin ass!!
chaos HIT
- first set is a set of 20+ reps...done normal and to get the blood goin. 2nd set is done to failure using HIT...3rd set is a repout with either the same weight or slightly less(more challenging to use the same weight)...4th set is goin to HIT failure again with a weight more than what u used on the 2nd set. the last set is done DC style...with the same weight only.
F5 method
- this is doin 5 sets of a mininum of 5 reps. overshoot each set. the cadences change from set to set...1 set is done explosively...set 2 HIT...and then alternate...rest is MAXIMUM of 30 sec...weight increases each set...
- this is done doin 10 sets of 5 with 5 sec rest between set with HIT style...slow and controlled..towards the last 3...these become a bitch!!
blast doubles/DC
- this is done with starting wtih 5-6 sets of 2 reps...30 sec rest between sets...then with a 60 sec rest...do 15+ rest pause reps with 15 breaths between pauses...DC style
suicide 20s
-this is taking 3 movements in the same bodypart and doin a MININUM of 20 reps. you always overshoot if u can...and then doin 3 rounds of this. wait 60 sec between rounds. also...you increase the weight each round...keep it the same when your reps drop below 20...stretching between sets
mod fst-7
- this is a mod of the fst-7. the 1st set is a repout...weight goes up...2nd and 3rd sets are done 2 sets of 10...weight goes up...4th set is a repout...weight goes up...5th and 6th sets are done to 2 sets of 12...weight goes up...final set is a repout. i've gotten soo much from this method and modifying it a bit in my last training cycle that its a keeper but alternating this between the suicide 20s is great to keep things interesting...stretch between sets as well.
chaotic volume blast
-2x10; 1x30; 2x10; 1x30; 2x10; 1x30. OR
2x5; 1x10; 2x5; 1x10; 2x5; 1x10
the goal is to do 6 sets of 10 and 3 sets of 30 total.
with every set u progress up in weight til u cannot to
a set of 10 and 30 anymore
progress up in weight every set
Stop once you cannot complete 10 reps with the weight you choose.
For example, if you completed 5 sets of 10 reps but on the 6th set
you only got 8 reps, then your volume blast is done.
bulgarian 513 loading
**i had been doin this for years but now i know why it works. who would know better to be strong badasses other than the bulgarians right. this method can be applied to the BIG 3 AND is based on a max you can do THAT DAY.
first- you do 2-3 sets of 5 reps progressing up in weight
2nd- you do 1-2 sets of 1 rep progressing up in weight
3rd- you do 2-3 sets of 3 reps progressing BACK up in weight...
4th- you do 1-2 sets of 1 rep progressing up a weight heavier than your first 1RM max done earlier
now for the training cycles...first the squat...
week 1- band squats- 5 singles or more....4 sets of 5+ w/o bands
week 2- high singles(min of 10 singles)
week 3- partial squats/ reverse band squats/ partial front squats...5 singles or more....bulgarian 513 raw
week 4- high doubles(min of 5 doubles)
week 5- band box squats up to triples/ 4 sets of 3+ w/o bands/box
week 6- high singles(min of 10 singles)/partial or reverse band movement...5 doubles
week 7- bulgarian 513 raw/ partial or reverse band movement...min of 5 doubles
week 8- deload
week 1- 4x5+/5 singles or more
week 2- HIGH doubles
week 3- 5 singles or more/ 4 sets of 5+
week 4- reverse band/partial movement- 5 singles...high singles raw
week 5- 5 singles/ 4 set of 3+
week 6- HIGH doubles
week 7- reverse band/partial movement- 5 singles....4 sets of 3+ raw
week 8- deload
week 1- speed deads with 405 and 495
week 2- deficit deads...min of 10 singles
week 3- speed deads w/ 405-495-585
week 4- band deads...min of 5 doubles...speed deads with 495
week 5- high doubles
week 6- reverse band/partial movement...5 singles min...speed deads
week 7- deficit deads...min of 5 singles...speed deads
week 8- deload
here are some oldies that are still goin to pop up here and there...
- overkill method
this is doin a set of 5+ reps(goin over 5 reps) and following it up with 2 sets of 10 and then doin a set of 5+ reps again and following it up with 2 sets of 10...and the final set is REST PAUSE FAILURE!! or RPF. the rest between sets is 45-60 sec...the bar weight is juggled throughout the 5 sets total.
SDS (sick-death-suicide) 6-6-6
**THIS ONE IS BAD!! in a good way. the aim of every set is to accomplish the goal of 6+ reps. now you can do this one of two ways
*keeping the weight the same(something that you can do 6-8 reps with) and starting out doin 6+ reps explosive...followed BY 5-10 sec rest and doin 6+ more reps HIT style...FOLLOWED BY another 5-10 sec rest and doin 6+ reps explosively again. here's the DEATH part...do as many rounds as u can til you can't do anymore...that's it!
*keeping the weight juggled...meaning u do the first set(heavy set...a weight u can do 4-6 reps to start with) for 6+ reps HIT style...then followed by the 2nd set after 10-15 sec rest and another set of 6+ reps but with weight lighter than the first set...10-15 rest and then doin a 3rd set HIT style with a weight heavier than the FIRST SET and you take another 10-15 sec rest and perform THEN you peform a set of failure forced reps... you do this combo til you can't do anymore...
***its important to do fasica stretching between the 3 sets each...***
six feet under method
you do 6 sets total. the first 3 are done heavy-light-heavy...and the cadence is HIT-explosive-HIT...they are done back to back. then the next 6 sets are done light-heavy-light and the cadence is explosive-HIT-explosive...and they also done back to back...
as i get closer to the meet...i will be doin bill kazmaier's bench program and seein how it goes. this was the one bench program nick winters never got to try but he sent to me years before to put into paper...that or the gillespie routine...we'll see. here's the kaz's program below...
lookin foward to tearing 2200 raw a new fuckin ass!!
Jun 10, 2011
jay cutler and seth feroce train back
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.1
Jun 9, 2011
kevin callahan's pancake
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.1
kroc reverse band squats
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.1
sam solomi 180kg squat
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.1
mike schwanke apf gulf coast
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.1
Jun 8, 2011
chad clark floor presses
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.1
chris duffin kb presses
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.1
Jun 7, 2011
Jun 6, 2011
Jun 1, 2011
mason hale 225 bench
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9
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